Heheheheh.. Beach Volleyball. | 07/29/03 - 11:46 am
whooiieee.. look at that view
Well, I went to Al's house yesterday and played a VERY VERY nice game called 'Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball' on his Xbox. I found an article about it on Gamespy and decided to post it here, since it'll be much better (and more PG13) than my description would have been:
"Everyone (read: every guy) loves Dead or Alive 3 for its gorgeous graphics showing off gorgeous women showing off their gorgeous bouncing ... well, let's just say the physics were really good. And then, for the same reason, everyone (ditto) loves beach volleyball, where slick, hard-bodied women take to the sand showing off their gorgeous ... hrmmm ... you get the idea.

So it was only natural that someone decided to combine the two. What better way to get everyone ... OK, men ... to buy your product than bringing together in one game the things that will make men happy.
Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball from Tecmo is a deliberate attempt to pander to male hormones. We appreciate that in a game. Just be prepared for a bunch of lawsuits as guys get upset when their Xbox units short out from an excessive amount of drool."
Alright, we played other games too, like Halo and Smash Bros. But hey. I can't help but love that game.

Oh yeah. I have a new poll. Adam thought it would have been a good idea to post a more interesting question, so I did. And don't be shy answering cuz I have no clue who you are (honestly). And I dunno if it's just me.. But why does it seem like less and less people are polling each time I change it?
English.. Johnny English. | 07/19/03 - 11:28 pm
Johnny English = WAY TOO FUNNY

Dude man, I watched Johnny English with Justin and Gurbir today.. MAN! Was that movie FUNNY!!

I NEVER laughed like that at a movie before.. I was laughing from the beginning to the end.. That was how great it was. It was joke after joke after joke.. I dunno why the hell people gave this movie such bad reviews, I LOVED it! I almost fell outta my seat cuz I was cracking up so hard.. My eyes were tearing up so badly.. Ahhh good ol' gut bustin' comedy.. . .. .

Heh. And Justin didn't expect it to be good at all. Man, was HE wrong. If you wanna know how it's so funny, watch it yourself. But I'm telling you.. Get ready to laugh to death.

Anyway. I took another test that Adam found:

I am Carbuncle
You are Carbuncle! Rather than attacking, you help
protect party members from taking damage.
You're always there when you're needed, and
you're a cutie to boot

What Final Fantasy summon are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Er.. Well, I would rather help protect my friends and loved ones over fighting people.. But the cutie part..? Uhh.. I don't.. think so.

Oh yeah! Happy birthday Cheryl! HAH, see! I remembered!
pizza party | 07/18/03 - 05:48 pm
Well the pizza party went pretty well yesterday. It was held at da Roundtable near the Dollar Tree by logan, kinda took me n my dad awhile to find it, cuz we've never been there before. Anyway, Me and some friends I made at the camp pigged out on pizza (I ate around 6-8 slices) and talked and made jokes and stuff.

There was a small arcade place there (which consisted of Cruisin' USA and .. a bunch of 25/50-cent vending machines). I spent all my quarters on cOoLiO Spongebob stickers..

heheh, Spongebob stickers

Then me 'n Rex (a friend I met at da camp) went over to Baskin Robins and bought ice cream. Well, I bought ice cream, Rex just took a free sample and ran. Oh well. And that's it.

It's not much but hey, at least I got free pizza.
last day of track. heck yeah! | 07/16/03 - 07:40 pm
James Logan Track and Field Camp
Well, as some of you know, I had to do some sort of track camp for the past 4 weeks. I had to run 4 times a week, day after day after day.. We had to sprint, long jump, relay, highjump, jog, weightlift, pushup, situp, stretch, cramp up, and bake up for the whooole damn time.

I must admit, I got quite a bit faster now. .. And that weight lifting and pushups kinda paid off. I also got to get even more tan.. and since I already got a tan in Hawaii, imagine how I must look now? I mean, it ain't a bad thing.. I put sunscreen in my face, but suntan lotion on my upper arms and leg, I think I can un-embarrassingly (is that a word?) wear shorts and sleeve-less shirts now.. so yah. I guess the thing did me some good.

ANYWAY, this is all beside the point. Today .. was my last day. After the four hard and long weeks, it's finally over.. I can sleep in, pig out, and not have to worry about running the next day. But that's not what I'm going to do. I know that I could do all those things, and it's really tempting to do so. But from now on, I'm working to improve my self-image, yenno.. build a little self-esteem for myself.. .

But that'll wait 'till next week. There's a pizza party at RoundTables tomorrow that I am NOT gonna miss. Gua ha ha. Let's hope they buy enough pizza, 'cuz I'm bringin' my appetite!

Oh btw, there's a new poll up. It's weekly ya kno. So yeah. And you can view the final results of the last poll too.
party at MY HOUSE | 07/12/03 - 09:01 am
whoa, look at Teddy

Man, yesterday was pretty fun. Teddy, Justin, Adam, and Joon came over yesterday. We started off by playing Teddy's game GTA: ViceCity (I think thats what it's called), then Adam played some DDR MAX, and then we went down to get some pizza.

After the food, we went back upstairs n watched some Family Guy dvd's that Adam brought along. 'n while they were watching' I fed my fish in my room. Teddy and Joon came into the room and yeah. We messed with the fish fer awhile before returning to the computer room.

Then we brought the Gamecube downstairs and played Smash Bros. for awhile (Joon being the funniest of all of us and suggesting we do crazy battles ie. an invisible battle with no items 'cept warp stars), then we headed upstairs again.

Ohhh yah, almost forgot.. After being cooped up in the house fer so long (this was before we brought the Gamecube downstairs.. I think), I (stupidly) suggested that we go to the park and breathe some fresh air. I thought Al would have been home and we could have played football or freeze tag or something, but when we got there, he wasn't home and yeah. We ended up going back to the house. What a total waste of an hour.

But yah, we finished up the day watching more Family Guy and cleaning out my food closet 'till Adam and Justin had to leave. Then we played Super Smash Bros. again, this time me and Joon double teamed Teddy (heheh, he actually beat us a couple times).

Then we played the homerun contest minigame, where Joon and Teddy hilariously tried making the beanbag go farther by using different tactics (such as smacking it with the homerun bat and trying to blast it in mid-air with an energy ball, or using a smash attack on the beanbag and stupidly chucking the bat at it while it was still flying, or jus straight up carrying the beanbag with DK and seeing how far he could walk before the timer ran out.)

All in all, we had a really great time. Man, ya gotta love it when you have friends come over!
which final fantasy characters am i?! | 07/09/03 - 02:35 pm
Man, these things almost didn't fit into this small window.. (I had to kinda resize 'em a little ..) Thanks to Adam who told me where to take these cool quizes.

Which Male FF Character am I?
I'm Zell!
Well, I have a lust for something.. Annoying? Am I? And hey!! Hot dogs are really good!! Geez!

Which Female FF Character am I?
I'm Eiko!
I guess this captures me better.. I think, even though I'm not a girl. Well, everything aside from wanting more friends. I think I the friends I have are great, and I don't think I'd need any more.

Which FF Villain am I?
I'm Seifer!
Heheh.. Yes, this is me. I ain't no mastermind.. I can't think evil. 'Cept I did steal a pack of Gummy Bears from Wal-Mart this one time..

Well that was fun. Gotta love these quizes.. especially of Final Fantasy characters.
a poll? wooww.. | 07/08/03 - 09:29 pm
I have decided to open up some sorta poll thing, partly 'cuz I have nothing better to do, and partly cuz I wanna know what you, the readers, think of stuff. So yeah.

By the way, if you didn't already know, the link to the poll is on the bottom, next to the 'past entries' link.
and now.. the moment you've been waiting for!! | 07/06/03 - 09:29 pm
it's me, videotaping. rawr.Gua ha ha, I got those stupid pictures uploaded and ready to go! After almost 5 days of waiting, you guys are going to FINALLY see what I was so hyped up on showing you guys.

While on our trip to Hawaii, I was appointed as OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER AND VIDEOTAPER. I took pictures of landscapes, our family (duh), and lotsa other things that I thought would be interesting to post up on this site.

Heheheh.. and with all the things in Hawaii, I got to shoot some preettty interesting pictures.

Oh yeah, by the way.. That picture to the left is me videotaping on our last day in Hawaii. .. What?? It's not like I taped anything BAD or anything.

.. You don't believe me, do you?

Ah well, it all depends on how you look at it. Heheh. (Take that as a word of warning for the following pictures..) And with that said, here are them pictures now:

i got LEI'D in Hawaii!!

You all saw this coming, eh? I didn't buy the sticker. I jus took it while it was still in the stand. I should have though. Drats. I mean, I did get lei'd though.

.. Floraly-speaking, of course. BUT ANYWAY, here's the last pic for ya today (yeah, I only got two.. Kinda a rip off, after having you guys waiting this long. I could have taken more, but the shop owner started eyeing me funny.. So I stopped.)

Due to the nature of this picture (it might offend some people, but
no, it ain't porn or anything. Like I said, it all depends on how you
look at it..), I made it in to a link. Please use caution while viewing.

Now I bet this is something you didn't expect. I couldn't resist! But yeah, I didn't buy this either. My mom would've killed me if she saw it. Heh, I didn't know bananas were that bended..

So thats it! Those were two (or three.. counting the one of me) of the 225 pictures I took of our trip to Hawaii! Hope you liked 'em!
grr.. | 07/03/03 - 10:41 pm
Alright, here's the deal: I'm pissed off. My dad has the digital cam, and I've got stuff in there I wanna post. (I'm prolly over-reacting. It's not much, really.. But it's fun to act angry sometimes.)

From this point on, I will NOT post another entry until I get that gosh-darned camera and upload those pics I wanna show you all (whoah, I was jus about to type "y'all".. Bleh.. Freaky.. I dun wanna start sounding like sum white, southern farmer dude now.. No offense to them of course.)
ALOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-huh..? | 07/02/03 - 10:35 am
Hey!! I'm back from my vacation! Did ya guys miss me? .. Come on, say you miss me.. Say it.. Say it.. SAY YOU MISSED ME DAMMIT!! .. Good.

ahem.. But anyway, I got back from Hawaii at like 12 am yesterday.. er.. today. I was going to post some really interesting pictures I took with my (dad's) digital camera, but since my dad took it with him to Las Vegas to see his brother, you won't be seeing any pics from me 'till Saturday. Sorry 'bout that folks. I just hope he doesn't do anything stupid and deletes them.

Hawaii was pretty fun. I don't want to go into great detail, but here's a day-by-day outlook on what happened those long four days I was away:

DAY 1 --
We got to Hawaii after a 5 hour flight from SFO. We watched "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" .. It was funny, when they were playing BS, they sensored the them from saying "bullshit" by making them say "bullspit" instead. You could tell since their mouths didn't match what was being said.

Anyway, when we got to Hawaii (Oahu, to be exact), it was cloudy, damp, and rainy.. Not a very good first impression.. But it cleared up later on during the day. We took a Taxi to the Mariot Hotel in Waikiki, then started walking up and down the beach, looking at the stores and stuff like that. The whole place reminded me of that Summer place from Earthbound, if any of you played that game. There were palm trees everywhere, and lotsa white girls in bikinis there too (well.. technically, they were tan girls.. but yeah). Too bad they aren't my type. (S'all bout Asian ppl, hell yes.)

We went to the International Market (no, not the stinky one here in UC. it's an outdoor store.. place. .. a bazaar, if you will.) and got sales-talked by almost every store. With our wallets considerably lighter (and our bags considerably heavier), we went back to the Hotel and slept.

DAY 2 --
We woke up, and went on a tour to Perl Harbor and saw the ships and stuff.. We also got to tour Chinatown (no, not the one in Frisco) and a few statues of people I don't care all too much about. Yep.. Pretty boring.

Afterwards, we came back and went to the beach in front of our hotel. While the rest of the family went out to swim, I slapped on some sun tan lotion and layed on the beach. Eventually, my sister dragged me into the water. We swam fer a little while then got out, walked back to the hotel, and went to sleep.

DAY 3 --
Hmmm.. We got to go snorkeling. After the 30 minute drive to the snorkeling place thingy (I forgot the name, it was some sorta cove.. Nice place.. Kinda like a private beach, 'cept that there were hundreds of ppl there.) we waited about an hour in line.. and then we watched this instructional video on how to snorkel, what and what not to do, and crap like that.. THEN we got to swim. I think it was well worth the wait. There were cool looking fish all over the place and not to mention more of them white girls.

I got to bake in the sun a little more there and yeah. It's weird, I got a cut on my leg.. there was blood dripping everywhere n I didn't notice 'till my sister screamed and pointed to my leg. Oh well. It wasn't anything serious.. I'm guessing I cut myself on some coral while I was swimming.

Afterwards, we went to .. dammit, how do you spell it.. It sounds like: "LOO-WOW". Yeah, I went to one of those. It was the best part of the trip. They had nice food, nice shows, everything was great. Then, it was back to the hotel for us.

DAY 4 --
Our last day in Hawaii was spent going back to the International Market buying stuff. We drained the last of our money and we checked out of the hotel. Then we hopped onto the plane and got home at 12 am.

And that's what happened.. . Phew. I'm not used to all this typing.