the secret info
this is where i tell you my say of things and what happens every day of my life.. in other words: heres my blog.

Ahh.. This is where my very first "online journal" of sorts started. Back Then, I was really selective of who I wanted to read my journal, so I set up a clever security system: you'd need to type "deepfriedchickenpoowithpurplesquidsauce" in less than ten seconds without any mistake or else you would be sent to the previous page. Bwa ha. I know it's hard. This is why I called this page my "secret info". Heh.. Now that I think about it.. I don't think any of these entries were worth securing in the first place.. .

My typing style has changed drastically since then. I used a lot of UGLY UGLY words like "dat" and "anywayz".. and I used to talk a LOT about my day. Now, I hardly ever do. It's weird how things change, ya?