august 2002

:: friday, August 30, 2002 ~ 6:21 pm
well... by now mostly all of you went to the orientation right? so.. guess i don't have to tell u whut it was about rite? right. it'd save me a whole lot of time writing it out. ^_^ yep im lazy.

so yah, it was going pretty well, cept that.. er.. i had no lunch period. im really mad at logan fer that. dammit. i mean, how could they forget my lunch!! i'll sue!!! er.. well, no not really. oh well. i guess its ok. oh btw, i got a TB shot looked at today ..and im negative so before you ppl start avoiding me n stuff.. yah. hahah, okay. wow, i havent updated in awhile.

oh! which reminds me, hope u like the pics of u in da 'my junk' section of my site. is ur pic not up der? not to worry, will (hopefully) bring my camera on the first day of school!
:: tuesday, August 28, 2002 ~ 5:31 pm
man, i had my TB test today. Yep, i got that ugly boil-like.. thing in my skin.. for some reason, my whole arm seems to be affected by the stuff they injected in me. im having trouble typing.. oh well, it'll prolly go away later.

ahhh!! i just remembered! i have my orientation (or is it link crew) tomorrow!! mayn, its not the first day of school, but still.. ahh!! logan!!
:: monday, August 26, 2002 ~ 8:36 pm
argh. i had another blackout today.. and i was in the shower too. yep, i was makin myself all sqeeeaky clean when suddenly, the blower stops. im all, 'whut the..', but before i could finish, the lights flickered out and the water turned icy cold.. then a few seconds later, the power went back on. stupid energy crisis, i thought we were done with all this rolling blackout stuff.

man, its getting colder again. why does summer have to end so soon?
:: saturday, August 24, 2002 ~ 11:10 am
you may have heard of RPG Maker 2000, right? well, there seems to be a better one. Read on here.
:: thursday, August 22, 2002 ~ 9:13 pm
great. just great. yes, just to let you know i did NOT mess up on the date today.

this is the LAST time i'm letting my mom schedule my ortho appts.. geez, i mean come on. i put on my spacers today, then i had to go back to the place at 4 to take them off again.. why?? well, i was going to get my bottom braces in a week from today, and guess what a week from today is?? yep.. orientation. im kinda pissed off right now at my mom, but oh well. what a waste of gas (not to mention good summer vacation time.. T_T). oh speaking of summer vacation, its going to end in less than a 2 weeks.. AHHHH!! LOGAN!!
:: thursday, August 22, 2002 ~ 9:08 am
..*yawwn..* i had an orthodontic appointment today.. i had to put my spacers in. it only took about 5 minutes. yah, it would've been okay.. IF IT WASN'T AT 8:30 IN THE MORNING!!! .. ok I'm done.
:: wednesday, August 21, 2002 ~ 8:32 pm
aggghhh!!! i wont be able to talk to da girl i like (you people prolly know who) cuz of stupid band camp.. errgh. i dunno if i can last one week without talking to her. x_x.. AHHH BAND CAMP SUCKS!! ..or, so i heard. im not in band any more.

there, an entry. happy joon? ^_^
:: sunday, August 18, 2002 ~ 7:27 pm
woo... i'm tired. my parents were invited to Al's sister's birthday, so naturally, I came too. And like usual, we played Gamecube fer awhile then went outside to play freeze tag. Yah, it was fun. Heheh, Al's parties are always fun, even though I come home sore all over afterwards from running around in the park all day. Oh well, there's my work out for the week.

so anywayz... I made some new linking system called Linkage. If you want your website to be seen here, you could sign up for a Linkage account. Yah, it sounds all technical, but its free, and it looks better than just a plain link or button. And besides, what've you got to lose?

Hm... Yep, that's a long enough entry. I think I'm done, ya?
:: wednesday, August 14, 2002 ~ 8:41 am
*yawn* so bored. i've been working real hard on my site the past few days, as you can see, I updated a lot of things. ..Ergh, there's nothing to write about... Hm..

Well, I'm feeling a little better now, not as sick as i was a few days ago at least. Okay.. I'm done. I should really make these entries longer, huh?
:: sunday, August 11, 2002 ~ 3:19 am
gee, I haven't updated in awhile.. nothing much really happened anyway. Oh well, thas all for now. Yes, it doesn't make up for all those missed entries, but I'm sick.. I need some rest, ya? (hm.. why did i just suddenly think of Wakka from ffx?)