december 2002
:: monday, december 2, 2002 ~ 3:36 pm
*sigh* i havent updated in a long time now. well, its a new month, and yep. everythings jus fine here. hm.. well, theres nothing really interesting to talk about... other than the thanksgiving break.. its not much but here i go:
well, we didnt go anywhere this thanksgiving. which was a good thing for me, cuz i got to use that time to play this cool new game i got fer gamecube. its called 'animal crossing'. i've been playing that game a lot. thats prolly why some of you noticed that i havent been going online much lately. well, now you know why.
but that wasn't a good place to start off.. lets back track a little. a few days before, we were going to go to Fry's Electronics to get me a new video game (animal crossing). we were all ready to go and we were sitting in my dad's truck, waiting for my mom to come outta the house. (she always takes her time when leaving.) well this must have gotten my dad angry, cuz he threw another one of his tantrums.
"DAMN THAT MOTHER FUCKER. I ALWAYS HAVE TO WAIT FOR HER TO GET READY!! Thats it. we're not going. Get out of the car." he said. i didnt budge. "GET OUT OF THE DAMN CAR!!" okay, so he meant it.. we (my sister and i) got out of the car and were going to head inside. but just then, my mom shows up, not knowing what had happened.
"hi!" she said cheerfully. we just looked at her and pointed to dad. he was glaring at my mom like he was gonna kill her or something. ".. whats wrong?" she said.. her smile fading from her face.
they argued over blah blah blah.. and blah.. about all this stuff that i thought were kinda stupid stuff to get mad over.. i couldnt take it. with a yell of anger, i slammed the garage door and ran inside into my room. that must have gotten their attention, so they stopped arguing and blah.. . mushy stuff. so we got to go to frys after all and i got to buy a game, as well as a gameboy advance gamecube link cable.. thingy.. prolly cuz they were feeling all bad and stuff over that fight..
but anywayz.. things got back to normal the next day. n yep, as for thanksgiving. we had enough turkey to feed an army. and thats it, to put it simply. nothing really happened much after that whole fight thing.
well, okay im done. there, an entry. a long one too. HAPPY, JOON???!