It looks like you've stumbled onto my little chunk of cyberspace: EdSed. This website is an online portfolio of all things made by me, Edward Patrick Alva.
Here, you'll find stuff I've created over the years such as original music, images and even movies. You'll also notice I have myself a little online journal set up. I sometimes post my random brain-farts (that take the form of comic strips) there... You know, if I'm not lazy.
So go ahead and check out the site and the stuff I've made. Who knows, you might like what you see.
Recent Junk
Site Updates
January 11, 2008
Alright! I made a journal entry recently about my New Year's Eve mishaps if you guys want to check that out. Also, I added a new Starmen.Net fanvatar on my digital work page.
It has come to my attention that the images section (the digital work page, specifically) are starting to get rather cluttered. Expect an organization overhaul of that section soon. You know.. if I get around to it.
December 21, 2007
Happy holidays, everyone. I've made a huge update to the digital work page today! I added a graphic design section that showcases all of.. well, my graphic design things.